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601/555-6899I 0J Full TimeL 10/21/88O MarketingS Marketing RepresentativeU slong@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:54:11 PMZ x6789\ USA_-Management Bonus Plan Management Project Plan JulieB NorrisD 793 Old Mill RoadE AllentownF 12345H 717/555-4688I 6842J Part TimeL 4/6/87O PersonnelS InstructorU jnorris@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:56:09 PMZ x4346\ Profit Sharing GlennB AkersD 614 Harvard Ct.E Carson CityF 54321H 702/555-9875I 6819J Full TimeL 3/15/87O OperationsS JanitorU gakers@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:55:38 PMZ x7156\ USA_AEmployee Stock Purchase Plan Management Bonus Plan Profit Sharing JohnB SmithD 123 Main StreetE AnytownF 45687-7894H 123-456-7890I 123J Full TimeL 5/11/96O OperationsS Facilities AdministratorU jsmith@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:54:24 PMZ x1111\ Employee Summaryj Namek Departmentl Addressr Emailx Shift{ Home Page| Employee Information: Empolyee #: Hire Date: Picture Employee Summaryj Namek Departmentl Addressr Emailx Shift{ Home Page| Employee Information: Empolyee #: Hire Date: Picture Helvetica Helvetica Helvetica _2Employee Stock Purchase Plan Management Bonus Plan NancyB EisonD 2820 Compton Pl.E LansingF 12345H 616/555-3698I 6870J Part TimeL 9/21/85O PrintingS WriterU neison@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:57:22 PMZ x7878\ USA_+Profit Sharing Employee Stock Purchase Plan SusanB KenwoodD 466 West Ave.E CheylanF 12345H 304/555-9966I 6864J Full TimeL 8/7/87O EngineeringS Project ManagerU skenwood@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:56:57 PMZ x6784\ USA_+Employee Stock Purchase Plan Profit Sharing RichleyD 911 Portsmouth Ave.E HuntsvilleF 12345H 205/555-2388I 6849J Full TimeL 5/11/84O PublishingS WriterU lrichley@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:56:32 PMZ x5678\ USA_+Employee Stock Purchase Plan Profit Sharing HeidiB 749 Craigmont Ave.E PocatelloF 12345H 208/555-8135I 6840J Full TimeL 4/16/84O OperationsS InspectionU hlee@yourdomain.comV 7/10/97Y 10:55:58 PMZ x3215\ USA_AProfit Sharing Employee Stock Purchase Plan Management Bonus Plan LukeB ForrestD 99 Lakeview Ave.E RedmondF 54321H 509/555-5487I 6845J Full TimeL 5/24/83O EngineeringS ProgrammerU lforrest@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:56:24 PMZ x2222\ USA_+Profit Sharing Employee Stock Purchase Plan JeremyB SmithD 912 Darton Blvd.E EugeneF 54321H 503/555-4655I 6843J Full TimeL 4/23/86O FinanceS AnalystU jsmith@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:56:17 PMZ x3333\ USA_+Employee Stock Purchase Plan Profit Sharing RogerB MichaelsD 786 North Desert Rd.E JeromeF 54321H 602/555-5577I 6867J Full TimeL 8/25/84O FinanceS ControllerU rmichaels@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:57:04 PMZ x4444\ USA_+Employee Stock Purchase Plan Profit Sharing IrfonB KohnD 111 Howingser Ave.E LouisvilleF 54321H 606/555-5468I 6839J Full TimeL 4/27/85O Engineering QA EngineerU ikohn@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:55:46 PMZ x5555\ USA_+Profit Sharing Employee Stock Purchase Plan TisornonD 798 Park Ave.E ProvidenceF 54321H 401/555-3258I 6807J Full TimeL 1/27/82O EngineeringS EngineerU btisornon@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:54:55 PMZ x6666\ Profit Sharing RichardB GelhardD 562 New Chardon Rd.E Baton RougeF 54321H 318/555-4577I 6878J Full TimeL 10/25/84O PersonnelS PsychologistU rgelhard@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:57:39 PMZ x7777\ Management Bonus Plan BillB LorenD 75 Lockwood DriveE ProvoF 54321H 801/555-4566I 6859J Full TimeL 7/14/83O MarketingS TrainerU bloren@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:56:49 PMZ x8888\ USA_+Employee Stock Purchase Plan Profit Sharing DeniseB FarnsworthD 54 Arroyo Ave.E AustinF 12345H 814/555-7777I 6809J Full TimeL 2/18/87O Marketing Marketing ManagerU dfarnsworth@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:55:12 PMZ x9999\ USA_2Employee Stock Purchase Plan Management Bonus Plan LandersD 31 Richards Ave.E ButteF 12345H 406/555-1144I 6803J Full TimeL 1/2/87O PersonnelS Human Resources DirectorU rlanders@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:54:46 PMZ x0000\ USA_JManagement Bonus Plan Management Project Plan Employee Stock Purchase Plan NancyB OsborneD 32 Newport Rd.E CharlotteF 12345H 919/555-0805I 6872J Part TimeL 9/13/88O PersonnelS RecruiterU nosborne@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:57:31 PMZ x1222\ Profit Sharing DorisB GerhardD 79 Island View Dr.E TampaF 12345H 407/555-8297I 6810J Part TimeL 2/6/88O PublishingS DesignerU dgerhard@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:55:21 PMZ x1333\ Employee Stock Purchase Plan WilfordD 3015 Yankee St.E GenevaF 54321H 315/555-0011 6808J Part TimeL 1/20/87O OperationsS ArchitectU bwilford@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:55:02 PMZ x1444\ Profit Sharing PamelaB 690 Fielding Pl.E AmesF 12345H 712/555-5245I 6869J Full TimeL 7/29/92O ShippingS InspectorU pday@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:57:12 PMZ x1555\ USA_+Profit Sharing Employee Stock Purchase Plan TyroneB DanonD 802 Nashoba Rd.E LakewoodF 54321H 719/555-4477I 6884J Full TimeL 7/29/92O EngineeringS TesterU tdanon@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:57:48 PMZ x1666\ USA_+Profit Sharing Employee Stock Purchase Plan JulieB DavisonD 35 Ravenwood AvenueE Foster CityF 12345H 408/555-0900I 6887J Part TimeL 7/29/92O SalesS"Customer Assistance RepresentativeU jdavison@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:57:58 PMZ x1777\ Profit Sharing DennisB AmmondD 438 Needham Dr.E WichitaF 54321H 913/555-3234I 6816J Full Time 7/29/92O PublishingS DrafterU dammond@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:55:30 PMZ x1888\ Profit Sharing BillyB AdlingtonD 613 Main St.E MemphisF 54321H 615/555-8899I 6801J Part TimeL 7/29/92O OperationsS ElectricianU badlington@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:54:36 PMZ x1999\ Profit Sharing DanielleB DowningD 611 Monument Dr.E StamfordF 12345H 914/555-1304I 6851J Full TimeL 7/29/92O PurchasingS SupervisorU ddowning@yourdomain.comV http://www.claris.comX 7/10/97Y 10:56:41 PMZ x1000\ Management Bonus Plan Geneva Monaco JJJJJJ {{ssss {{kkkk sscccc ))!!!! 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